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Beginnings: How Changed Mind came to be

Changed Mind is my passion project. I'm fascinated by people and have always felt working with people was my calling, but somewhere way back I found that life was leading me in a very different direction As well as being an RTT therapist, I'm also a Chartered Accountant with a bachelors degree in finance and accounting, working in corporate finance. A strange mix right? Maybe not. The corporate world has taught me so much about people, about pressure, about resilience, competition and high stakes. Maybe one day I'll step away from this game, but for now I'm keen to build more love and compassion into the corporate world through my day job and spend my spare time changing lives, as well as being a loving girlfriend, friend, daughter and sister.


Where did this all begin? I was born and raised in country South Australia to a beautiful mother and handsome father, the baby sister to two gorgeous girls. Unfortunately mum and dad didn't like each other so much by the time I arrived, so from 18 months old I lived with my mum who raised my middle sister and I as a single parent. Childhood wasn't that easy for me, with two homes and some social struggles but I was generally quite a happy-go-lucky kid, albeit a bit shy. Growing up in the country I took joy in simple things - being outside, building bonfires, going camping, helping mum in the vegetable garden and spending a lot of time by the ocean. My lovely big sis took a big dip during her teenage years, suffering severe depression. We almost lost her but she pulled through. I can't say the same for my dear Dad who lost his eight year battle with cancer when I was 19. Throughout these challenging chapters of my formative years I was always quite focused on my studies, you might say the "goodie-two-shoes" of the class. I graduated high school with the top grade in my class and went on to be just as successful at university where I won a number of topic prizes for being among the top performers of several classes of around 200 students. Dean's awards, outstanding student awards. What a reward for the efforts! I also managed to secure a job at a Big 4 accounting firm directly out of university where I spent three years working before applying for a transfer to Amsterdam on the other side of the world. I was promoted quite fast, a manager already by 26. After some pretty intense busy periods I decided to shift to a smaller consultancy firm where I could claim back a bit of work-life balance and due to my decent resume, good interpersonal skills I was able to make a pretty seamless switch .


Now this is the part I really want you to pay attention to. My whole life, since I can remember, I felt like I was not enough. I felt like I was stupid. Like I was terribly unattractive, not someone people wanted to be around. I felt socially inept. Like nothing I had to say was of any use to anyone and I was only able to trust and be myself around a special few who I had become close to. I never had loads of friends and I caused a lot of friction in my family. There were moments when I thought I was not so bad, but they seemed far less frequent than the moments where I would stand in front of the mirror and feel disgusted in myself. But make no mistake, this stuff was all very well concealed by my perfect facade, so not many people knew all this was going on. My hiding, coupled with perfectionistic characteristics rendered me helpless and hopeless on a regular basis, especially once work became full-on and I had to be a real adult. I was not sure how I would be able to keep going as my work performance started to slip and the relationships in my life started to suffer profoundly.


At the ripe old age of 27, I finally realised that the ridiculousness needed to end. Something wasn't adding up. No more BS. In the past I had tried coaching, psychologists, I tried yoga and meditation, I tried Reiki and went to see fortune tellers. Some stuff shifted but not enough. In a very strange moment of synchronicity, my spiritual coach and friend back in Australia emailed me some information about RTT. A few days later, I'd booked and paid for the training course, arranged time off work, and booked my tickets. I was going to change myself and change the world.


So here I am, on the other side. Nothing had changed on the outside, apart from I smile a bit more. But inside I'm so much lighter and happier, in such an authentic way. Through RTT I was able to unlearn many of my unhelpful beliefs about myself and reinstall some self confidence, resilience and hope. And I'm also now fully equipped to help you free yourself from your "stuff" too. Big or small, it doesn't matter. No one should have to carry a load which no longer serves them and I can help you shift what is no longer serving you.


If you want to know more about me, the woman behind Changed Mind, I'd love to hear from you. I want to hear your story and discuss how we can change your mind, upgrade your beliefs and change your life.


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